Web site redesigns can cause more stress than preparation for the GMAT (I took them more than once so I know how stressful they can be). The dilemna of a color and font selection, layout, host servers, preparing against hackers, etc.... the absolute angst and sleepless nights. The thought that geez, "my friend/web developer is going to hate me when this is all over." In the end its all worth it, but the process is as painful as a pre-mba word problem.
I'm proud to say that we are almost in the final stages...of deciding on colors and font... Here's a preview of our homepage and an inner product page. Notice the change in font type and colors. That's where we can't decide which is best.
We're going for a relatively clean space dominated by white background images namely because its the standard for high-end furniture and because our furniture doesn't need too much embellishement.
Now we need your help.We would love your feedback. Tell us your thoughts: what do you like, what don't you like? Is there something missing?
Thanking you in advance for your candor....